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Message to Soul Fire Farm

Soul Fire Farm - Black  in Petersburg NY

Soul Fire Farm

(518) 880-9372
(518) 880-9372


Practice Areas

About Soul Fire Farm

Soul Fire Farm is an Afro-Indigenous centered community farm committed to uprooting racism and seeding sovereignty in the food system. We raise and distribute life-giving food as a means to end food apartheid. With deep reverence for the land and wisdom of our ancestors, we work to reclaim our collective right to belong to the earth and to have agency in the food system. We bring diverse communities together on this healing land to share skills on sustainable agriculture, natural building, spiritual activism, health, and environmental justice. We are training the next generation of activist-farmers and strengthening the movements for food sovereignty and community self-determination.

Our food sovereignty programs reach over 160,000 people each year, including farmer training for Black and Brown growers, reparations and land return initiatives for northeast farmers, food justice workshops for urban youth, home gardens for city-dwellers living under food apartheid, doorstep harvest delivery for food insecure households, and systems and policy education for public decision-makers.


Primary Office Location

pin 1972 NY Highway 2 Petersburg NY 12138

pin (518) 880-9372

Social Media

Twitter page for Soul Fire Farm - Black  in Petersburg Facebook page for Soul Fire Farm - Black  in Petersburg Instagram page for Soul Fire Farm - Black  in Petersburg Instagram page for Soul Fire Farm - Black  in Petersburg
Message Soul Fire Farm
(518) 880-9372