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Message to Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. - Black  in Washington DC

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.

(202) 263-2800
(202) 263-2800


Non Profit Government Political
Practice Areas

About Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.

We are risk-takers, change makers and creative thinkers – and we are here to make a difference.

We envision a world in which all communities have an equal voice in public policy through leadership cultivation, economic empowerment, and civic engagement.

Our mission of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. (CBCF) is to advance the global Black community by developing leaders, informing policy, and educating the public.


Primary Office Location

pin 1720 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington DC 20036

pin (202) 263-2800


Social Media

Twitter page for Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. - Black  in Washington Twitter page for Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. - Black  in Washington Facebook page for Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. - Black  in Washington Instagram page for Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. - Black  in Washington Instagram page for Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. - Black  in Washington
Message Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.
(202) 263-2800