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Central Florida Medical Society - Black  in Orlando FL

Central Florida Medical Society

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About Central Florida Medical Society

The Central Florida Medical Society was founded in 1974, when eight (8) African American physicians formed a component society of the National Medical Association (NMA). The NMA is the largest Black medical organization in the world. These founding physicians were bedrock members of the Central Florida community and felt the need for a society that offered camaraderie, social outlet, and clinical interaction that was not widely available to them in the general community.

Since its’ beginning, the members and the auxiliary have worked to promote health and health education in the Central Florida area. Programs have been presented in local churches, schools, neighborhood centers and health fairs. The Central Florida Medical Society is an annual contributor to the African American Health Summit providing clinical leadership and evaluations to male participants attending the event. The Central Florida Medical Society has hosted the NMA’s annual conference and sponsored the “Walk A Mile With A Child” health event and is the sponsor for Annual Scholarship Gala benefitting aspiring students on their journey to becoming physicians. Central Florida Medical Society clinicians continue to mentor African American youth in our communities.

Most medical specialties are represented within the membership of the medical society. And the demographics of the physicians continue to diversify. As the Central Florida community grows and additional physicians join our community, the Central Florida Medical Society anticipates serving the educational and collegial needs of the physicians in our area.


Primary Office Location

pin 3208-C East Colonial Drive #288 Orlando FL 32803

Social Media

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