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Message to Blacks In Technology Cleveland

Blacks In Technology Cleveland - Black  in Cleveland OH

Blacks In Technology Cleveland

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Non Profit
Practice Areas

About Blacks In Technology Cleveland

What makes the Cleveland Chapter unique is our sense of duty to increasing black participation in technical education, careers, business and opportunity. Our leaders have experience in non profit and education industries and felt the need to support the movement. We hope to connect the area to national goals thereby increasing our local career support, networking and tech resources.

It is a fairly common occurrence that Black workers in the technology industry find themselves the only Black person in the room or the only Black person on their team. Black people are underrepresented in every technology-related career demographic, from tech startup founders seeking venture capital to core information technology workers seeking pay equity.

Our goal and mission is to “stomp the divide” between Black tech workers and to fundamentally influence and effect change on an industry that has historically not sought parity with respect to Black workers. Our intent is to level the playing field through training, education, networking, and mentorship with the support of allies, partners, sponsors, and most importantly our global members.


Primary Office Location

pin Cleveland OH 44132

Social Media

Twitter page for Blacks In Technology Cleveland - Black  in Cleveland Facebook page for Blacks In Technology Cleveland - Black  in Cleveland
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