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Message to Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity

Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity - Black  in New Market TN

Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity

(305) 590-8224
(305) 590-8224


Human Rights
Practice Areas

About Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity

BOLD (Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity) is a national training intermediary focused on transforming the practice of Black organizers in the US to increase their alignment, impact and sustainability to win progressive change. BOLD carries out its mission through training programs, coaching and technical assistance for BOLD alumni and partners.


Primary Office Location

pin 1959 Highlander Way New Market TN 37820

pin (305) 590-8224

Social Media

Twitter page for Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity - Black  in New Market
Message Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity
(305) 590-8224